Migrants Resilience Collaborative (MRC)

There are over 750 million domestic migrant workers globally, including 200 million in India. Migrants Resilience Collaborative (MRC) is a grassroots-led multi-stakeholder collaborative of nonprofit, philanthropic, and private sector actors focused on ensuring safety, security, and mobility for vulnerable internal or domestic migrants. Established in 2020 at the height of the COVID pandemic, MRC has enabled over 4 million migrant households to access social protection to date and has been supported for its systems change potential and impact at scale by both Co-Impact and TED Audacious. By 2028, MRC aims to help 15 million migrant workers and create more sustainable systems for social protection of the most vulnerable.
GDI’s role
GDI has been a strategic partner of MRC since 2018, providing ongoing strategy support toward systems change and complementing leadership capacity via 2-3 ongoing full-time senior level secondments in leadership roles covering general management, strategy, innovation, technology and operations.