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The Migration Opportunity

The Migration Opportunity envisions a world where people in need can safely and legally access better lives and livelihoods across borders if they want to. Our mission is to stand up and resource an emerging field dedicated to this vision, because enabling people to move for opportunity is the most powerful yet neglected tool to address global income inequality.

Read the briefing note that explains the founding motivation for this initiative.

Read the SSIR article featuring The Migration Opportunity.

Get in touch with the team at

See also our key partner initiatives: Labor Mobility PartnershipsMalengoTalent Mobility Fund

GDI’s role

The Migration Opportunity started as a GDI research effort, titled People on the Move, to complement our portfolio of initiatives across refugee livelihoods, anti-trafficking, and labor mobility. Now The Migration Opportunity is an in-house Design-stage initiative to mobilize resources and facilitate donor collaboration on a neglected issue area.